When to Visit the Dentist

Many people only go to the dentist when they have tooth pain or something is wrong. That is truly a shame, because by that time, dental treatment to save teeth becomes more expensive or teeth may be diagnosed as non-restorable and need extraction. There are so many diagnostic and preventative services that can help detect problems early, save discomfort, save teeth and save expenses down road. Regular dental visits are essential to make sure oral health problems can be detected early and treated in a timely manner. Some patients may need to see the dentist more often to stay on top of recurrent problems, but everyone should visit the dentist at least once a year. Your regular dental visits will include a thorough oral examination to check the health of your teeth and gums, an oral cancer screening to spot any suspicious lesions early and a professional cleaning to ensure your teeth and gums look and feel great. Don’t miss out on the many benefits dentistry offers you and your family!